4 great reasons to outsource your storage

Busy Spark Up workers in warehouse storage

Ever since a global pandemic came and up-ended everything, we’ve all watched the world of work shift and change. Companies of all kinds have successfully reinvented themselves. Some have closed down completely. Many have reduced office space permanently as their staff continue working from home. But reducing the side of your workspace overall may throw […]

Virtual event packs: the secret to making your online conference a hit

We’re well and truly into the new year – and it’s clear that virtual events are going to be a hot ticket for some time to come. And there are great benefits for companies thinking about holding a virtual event: they’re cheaper, easy to promote and they can potentially help you engage with more people […]

Brand activation: Should you be doing it?

Brand activation: Cadbury's Easter Egg Campaign

Marketing buzz words and phrases come and go; we all know that. But ‘brand activation’ – the strategy of using interactive campaigns and experiences that inspire your customers to engage with the brand – is, we think, here to stay. And if it’s not part of your marketing plan, maybe it should be! The beauty […]

Swimming for men’s mental health

Head Above Water Swimathon mens mental health fundraiser

Every day in Australia, an average of 6 men will take their own lives. It’s a sobering reality that we all need to face: that suicide in this country is the leading cause of death in Australian men aged 15-44. That’s more than double the national road toll. Even scarier is that so few men […]

Why working mums are assets to any workplace

working mums

It struck me the other day that SparkUp is part of a growing trend: women-led workplaces. This isn’t by design (and actually, we have male contractors popping up here and there for everything from website design to work in our warehouse), but overall, our core staff are women and most of us are mums. Studies […]

10 ways to get results at conferences and trade shows

We may be knee-deep in the digital age, but conferences and trade shows are booming. Numbers are up at New York’s Comic Con, South By Southwest generates over $200 million annually for Austin’s economy and numbers at the biggest annual tech event in the world – the Consumer Technology Association’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) – […]

Why does February have an extra day every four years?

by The Conversation in Web on Wednesday 24 February 2016 Most of the time, a year is made up of 365 days. But this year, just like 2012, and the year four years before that, has 366. And that vital extra day, a leap day, is (partly) what keeps our calendars in working order.

Metallic Gold Tattoos strike it rich with students!


They were lined up out the door at the recent careers expo last week for our client NSI TAFE who launched their new campaign creative for TVET (TAFE Vocational Educational Training) – designed and developed by Spark Up! A huge set of wings asking students to fly with them for their career choice. The metallic […]

Ever wondered how we can do embroidery so quickly?

With our 100 + embroidery machines that’s how! Annie and Peta were out visiting our decorators last week proofing jobs on the machines. Screen printing, Embroidery, Direct to Garment printing, Pad Printing, Transfers are just some of the decorating processes we can do to get your logo on merchandise to stand out and recognised!  

How Telstra got a 46% DM response rate.

We’re pretty impressed with the latest case studies around the effectiveness of incorporating a Connect-to-Web key into print campaigns. Currently the average response rates from Direct Mail campaigns using Connect-To-Web keys are 17% – 25%. Telstra used the technology to drive existing customers to the website to renew their contracts and experienced a 46 percent […]