

Souvenaid is a medical nutrition product that helps support memory in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition launched Souvenaid to the Australian market in 2014, and required a comprehensive campaign to educate HCPs and pharmacists on the efficacy of Souvenaid – while also helping to identify potential patients.


We assisted Nutricia AMN providing a suite of marketing collateral, both digital and print educating the HCPs and pharmacists on Souvenaid. Sample packs were produced along with recommendation pads for GPs to provide to patients to take to the pharmacy. Instore POS including dump bins and counter units were also developed to highlight Souvenaid in store. Keynote speaker dinners were held in each state, inviting HCPs to listen to expert advice on Alzheimer’s and clinical studies on patience with the disease.


The launch of Souvenaid was a huge success in Australia, with sales exceeding targets in the first year. Souvenaid continues to thrive with recent data from an independent study reinforcing the benefits of the supplement for memory loss. We continues to support the brand with marketing campaigns and collateral.